現在カナディアン・ブレスト・キャンサー・ネットワークにて フォーカスグループへの参加を受け付けています。 お知らせは以下の通りです。 As part of a project that the Canadian Breast Cancer Network is undertaking to better understand the unique experience of people diagnosed with triple negative breast cancer (TNBC), we will be holding virtual focus groups in January 2022. These focus groups will be 1.5 hours in length and will help inform CBCN's programming for TNBC as well as a survey that will be widely distributed across Canada. Please email Jenn Gordon at: jgordon@cbcn.ca if you are interested in participating in one of these focus groups. ご興味のお有りの方は直接 Ms. Jenn Gordon/ Director of Operations at CBCN www.cbcn.ca まで、 つどいの紹介と明記し、ご連絡ください。